Resource Library - Search Results

5 search result(s) found.
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Sandwell Labour Market Insight Report June 2024

A report looking at employer demand via job postings and vacancy data, exploring what skills are in demand in the local area and what occupations are most in demand.

Insights Sandwell

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Sandwell Economic Monitor June 2024

A monthly report which gives an overview of key economic trends ongoing within the Sandwell borough and the wider region, looking at policy changes, economic shocks, and new business deals and investments.

Black Country Economy Insights Sandwell

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School Performance 2022/23

Visualise and interact with school performance data across the Black Country

Black Country Dudley Insights People Sandwell Walsall Wolverhampton

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Sandwell iTree Flyer

A flyer outlining headline results of the Black Country iTree Eco project, a study into the areas 11 million trees. Looking at the health of the urban forest.

Places Sandwell

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Economy of Together

A framework which outlines ambitions for a more inclusive and prosperous Black Country.

Black Country Dudley Economy People Places Sandwell Walsall Wolverhampton

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