Resource Library

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Black Country Business Births and Deaths

This briefing provides an update on quarterly business births and deaths in the Black Country

Black Country Business Insights

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Sub-Regional Fuel Poverty

An intelligence briefing covering the proportion of households that are fuel poor in the Black Country

Black Country Insights

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Black Country Adult Active Lives

An intelligence briefing covering the latest findings from Sport England's Adult Active Lives Survey

Black Country Insights People

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Black Country Gross Value Added

An intelligence briefing covering local economic activity

Black Country Economy Insights

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Latest qualification profile for the Black Country

Black Country Insights People

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Health State Life Expectancies

Regional summary for number of years people are expected to spend in different health states

Insights West Midlands

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Subnational Gross Disposable Household Income

Visualise and interact with how disposable household income is distributed across the Black Country

Black Country Insights

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Housing Affordability

House price to income ratio for the Black Country area

Black Country Insights

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Access to Sports Facilities

Total number and types of sports facilities across the Black Country

Black Country Insights Places

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Small Area GVA Estimates

Visualise and interact with GVA estimates across the Black Country

Black Country Economy Insights

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